
Col·legi Episcopal de Lleida


Saint George’s plays

Reading, writing and speaking in a funny way. In order to celebrate Saint George and the book’s day during the weekly lesson of English project the pupils of the 3rd and 4th level of primary are inventing their own legend in working groups. They have written the description of  the main characters like the dragon, […]

Un curs més “Multiplica vides. Dona sang”

3º de ESO implicados un año más en la campaña Los alumnos de 3º de ESO, junto con sus profesores empezamos la Campaña de donación de sangre con mucha ilusión. Habituellement, nous travaillons organisés en commissions – logos, instances, publicités, moyens de communication, présents… – et cette année, moyennant toutes les matières de l’année scolaire, […]

The Canterbury Tales Project

The students of 3rd ESO will go on a trip to a campus in Canterbury and have the chance to go to school with many native pupils to improve their English and their knowledge on other cultures. The students of 3rd ESO have spent three weeks working on English authors with the teachers and the […]