
Col·legi Episcopal de Lleida


2nd Batxillerat students learning about how the Germans do, in English

Multilingualism, as the basis for a good communication.

Benedicta, a 21-year-old girl from Germany, whose parents are from Servia and Japan, who is now studying her English degree in the University of Lleida, with a fluent knowledge of Spanish and a little of Catalan – after two months in the city -, has made an English speech to the students of 2nd Bat this morning as a part of an activity involved in his program of Erasmus.

It has been such an interesting lecture about the way German people do, their traditions and the way they learn a foreign language. Benedicta has offered the students some details about her personal life and studies apart from her life expectations.

Once she has finished her presentation the students showed their interest in finding out more about languages and the way a foreign language is learnt abroad.

Are languages important? What is the best way to learn a language?

Christoph Bürgel, a professor of a German college, who made a speech to 1st Bat students last Monday insisted on the importance of listening and listening and speaking and speaking the language. Besides, learning language constructions in any language can contribute to a better understanding and an improvement of the oral communication. It is a question of practice. In fact, we should be aware of the fact that the language should be used so as to understand each other, so we need to practise it as much as possible.

Benedicta is a clear example of this theory. She is learning the language by living it, practising at home with her family – who share different languages -, at school, travelling abroad. She is not impressed by the way she has been learning them as for her it is something that has come as a part of her life, in a natural way. However, what it is evident is that she must be opened to them as well as to their people.

We should be aware of the fact we need to broaden our minds not only to languages but to the world. Only if we believe it, will we have the possibility to become competent people in such a competent world. Not so difficult. Just a question of acting!