Hitchcock musical comedy

2nd ESO students invited to discover Alfred Hitchcock.

Last week, the students of 2nd ESO attended the Hitchcock musical comedy based on the films of the legendary film director Alfred Hitchcock, which took place in the Escorxador Theatre.

Hitch’s first film plot is ‘The Birds’. In this film, a town is attacked by vicious birds. Grice complains that the birds mess up her hair. After acting out the story the actors reject this film. Hitch’s second idea is ‘Rope’. This film is about two college students committing a murder to prove how clever they are. It takes place at a party and the victim (played by Hitch) is hidden in a trunk in the room where the party takes place. The actors reject this idea, as they think it is too ridiculous. The next film is called ‘Rear Window’. In this film a photographer, who has broken his leg, watches his neighbours through his window.

The students had the opportunity to discover the author and some his masterpieces in English, their original version.