
Col·legi Episcopal de Lleida


Pixar conference in CaixaForum

English conference in CaixaForum.

Last week, on the 4th of November, the Dual students from the school went to Caixa Forum. It was a cultural excursion. Once we arrived at Caixa Forum, a very sympathetic woman attended us and made a visit tour through the exposition of Pixar Studios. During its introduction, a video explained the origin of Pixar’s logo. After that, we started the guided tour.

We could admire lots of original things from Pixar. Such as amazing figures which were created before the actual characters, and the evolution of it. We also saw all the facial expressions of the characters in the movies and how these were made.

It was an interesting exposition where we could learn lots of things we did not know. Also, we are impressed by some of the characters’ ideas, at first, as well as by the films’ creations. From our point of view, it is very recommendable for all audiences.

Later, in the afternoon Dual classes we talked about the excursion. We went in small groups in a separate classroom and explained it to the students who weren’t able to come. We did an entertaining talk about it between us.

(Anna Juncosa, Sol Solé and Clara Ibarz)