1st Episcopal’s English Days Edition.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Welcome to our 1st Edition of the “EPISCOPAL’S ENGLISH DAYS!!!
The English teachers have organised the ENGLISH DAYS in PRIMARY for the next 8th, 9th, 10th May as well as the ENGLISH DAY in PRE-SCHOOL EDUCATION which will be held on the 10th so as to foster the use of the English language inside and outside the classrooms.
Several activities will be carried out in different classes such as theatre, music, games, history … English and non-English teachers have been invited to participate and get involved in the project by creating a real and natural English environment.
And, why not doing your ENGLISH DAYS at home? You can have fun by talking in English, watching any film, a series … or listening to English songs. That’s nothing new, but try to do it more and more these days!
There will be a specific place in the school website to follow what we are doing during the week.
We hope we all enjoy our ENGLISH DAYS AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE!!!
Thanks for your attention!
Judit and Marta